
Cenergi SEA Berhad
Level 4, Block E, Dataran PHB Saujana Resort, Section U2, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.

General Line
+603 5885 0454

Fax Line
+603 5885 1474

Volume 11 – December 2019 Newsletter

Management’s Perspective:

Hello Cenergians!

2019 was quite a year for all of us in Cenergi. We’ve been through a lot of notable developments, in sometimes less than favourable circumstances. We however managed to overcome all the difficulties, and this was only possible through continued dedication and teamwork. As such, I would like to thank you all for your wonderful contributions towards the growth and success of this company. All the achievements we secured for the past 12 months would not be possible without contributions from all of you, regardless of its scale.

Let me be frank: to set the expectation without any intention to scare you off – there is a lot of work waiting for us in 2020 especially as we are heading towards Cenergi 3.0. We should not expect the year ahead to be easy and we must be ready to face the challenges. Despite whatever 2020 has to offer, we must not lose sight of our priority and goals. It is important for us to continue to work together to achieve our financial targets, to secure and deliver projects, and achieve what we have promised in the 2020 Business Plan. It may sound difficult, but I’m sure with teamwork, dedication, and talent that we have, we can realise our ambitions.

As we cruise through the remaining days of 2019, it might be useful for all of us take a step back and reflect; how did we measure our performance compared to 2018? What are our goals for 2020? And how do we plan to improve ourselves? I believe answering the questions above will help us to set the direction to achieve our goals in 2020.

In this last newsletter for 2019, on behalf of the Management, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your hard work, passion, and the part that you have contributed in Cenergi’s success this year. Let’s close off 2019 with a strong finish!

Also, wishing all of you joy and happiness in this holiday season. Happy new year, Cenergians!

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